Award Ceremony
- 10.30 - Mario Panizza - Rector of Roma Tre University
- 10.45 - Settimio Mobilio - Director of the Department of Sciences
- 11.00 - Giovanni Antonini - Laudatio of Maurizio Brunori
- 11.30 - Maurizio Brunori - Lectio Magistralis: Malattie neurodegenerative ed invecchiamento della popolazione
- 12.30 - Degree award
- 13.00 - Lunch
Scientific Symposium: Proteins, the Molecular Machines of Life
Chair: Paolo Ascenzi and Martino Bolognesi
- 14.30 - Welcome and Introduction
- 14.40 - Presentation of William A. Eaton by Emilia Chiancone
- 14.50 - William A. Eaton (Bethesda, USA): Biophysics and therapy of sickle cell disease
- 15.50 - Coffee break
- 16.20 - Presentation of Jean-Pierre Changeux by Ernesto Carafoli
- 16.30 - Jean-Pierre Changeux (Paris, FR): Modeling the brain: from allosteric receptors to consciousness
- 17.30 - Presentation of John Ernest Walker by Ferdinando Palmieri
- 17.40 - Sir John Ernest Walker, Nobel Laureate 1997 (Cambridge, UK): ATP synthase: roles in cellular life and death
- 18.40 - Concluding remarks, Israel Pecht (Rehovot, IL)